Makarov Pistol 9mm - You've been asking for it for years, so we finally reviewed the classic Makarov pistol Is it a Russian copy of the Walther PP or did it play a unique role in the history of firearms? We also take a look at the ballistics of the 9×18 Makarov cartridge and how Makarov stacks up as an option for the rifle.

If I Told You The Name, a military weapon that came out of Soviet Russia shortly after WWII, was designed simply to be manufactured and developed a reputation for being rugged and reliable, despite its very poor iron sights, the former pistol. An AK would probably come to mind. But all those same qualities also apply to the Pistolet Makarov or as we call it in America, the Makarov PM or more commonly just the "Makarov".

Makarov Pistol 9mm

Makarov Pistol 9mm

Hi all, I'm Chris Baker When I reviewed the Walther PPK a few months ago, it was supposed to be a special video But, based on many viewer requests, I followed it up with a review of the Bersa Thunder and then the Beretta Cheetah, and now looks like we are four videos in a series on the classic small caliber DA/SA Blackback pistol. And you really can't talk about a gun in that category without paying attention to the Makarov

Russian Makarov 9mm X 18 Auto

The Soviet Union began full production of the Makarov around 1953 to replace all of its military units. They also developed a new cartridge to go with it: the 9x18mm, also known as the 9mm Makarov. Makarov served in the Cold War and beyond Russia replaced it with the 9x19mm pistol in the early 2000s, but the Makarov continues to be used today by their military and police.

Other Warsaw Pact countries also accepted Makarov But some of them designed their own guns for 9×18, like the Polish P-64 and the Czechoslovakian CZ 82. Sometimes, those guns are mistakenly referred to as Makarov In fact, that name is applies only to the original design of the Makarov pistol

But not all Makarovs were made in Russia Bulgaria, East Germany and China also produced Makarovs for their own military and police use as well as commercial copies for export. Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, large numbers of Makarovs from four countries have been imported for sale on the US civilian market. For the most part, there are only minor differences in the pistols based on country of origin. East German Makarovs are generally considered to be the best in fit and finish This is a Bulgarian Makarov, which is probably the most common here in the U.S.

Some commercial Makarovs are chambered for .380 ACP, and there are also some double-stack variants that carry 12-round magazines. But the standard, original military Makarov has an 8-round single-stack magazine. The construction is all steel, with the exception of the grip. They are steel-reinforced bakelite. Of course, there are a number of other grip panels available for the Makarov, but the most common is this one-piece reddish brown checkered with stars on both sides and a built-in lanyard loop.

Makarov 9mm Deactivated Pistol

The Makarov design borrows heavily from the Walther PP series, but with some key differences. It's a very simple design This pistol has a total of 27 parts versus 42 for the Walther Makarov it's generally more reliable and sturdier I think the ergonomics are also quite good, but that's a bit subjective

The Makarov is a double action/single action with a slide mounted safety/platform top. But like the Walther—or nearly any other pistol with a slide-mounted safety—you enter safe mode by pushing it to the deck. There's a fire over there. Usually it's the other way around

It's more common to push the fire with a frame-mounted safety, such as a 1911. I think this approach is a little more intuitive. But I'm so used to using the rail-mounted safety in other ways that it tries to throw me off. But if I really want to carry this gun, I'll probably leave the safety off When the gun is safe, there's nothing else you can do about it The trigger, hammer and slide won't move at all

Makarov Pistol 9mm

Another difference from the Walther PP is the magazine release on the heel We cannot allow our comrades to lose magazines in the field like a savage capitalist The heel release is there to remind you to carefully remove that magazine and keep it for later when you need to need to re-educate a separation of jewelry.

Makarov Pistol Ammunition Stock Image. Image Of Human

Let's Take a Closer Look at the 9x18 Makarov Cartridge I have come across several videos and articles claiming that the 9mm Makarov is between the .380 ACP and the 9x19mm Luger in terms of power and features. Technically true, but a little misleading It's not halfway between those two The ballistic performance of the 9×18 is much closer to that of the .380 than the 9×19.

The 95 grain bullet is most common for factory Makarov ammo Based on our chronograph measurements, they will give you 950 to 1100 feet per second. The factory .380 ACP comes in a variety of bullet weights, but we'll stick with the 95-grain bullet to make the comparison easier. From a Glock 42, we get a velocity range of 850 to 950 feet per second with a 95-grain load. So that's a 10-15% velocity increase for the 9×18 over the .380 ACP.

We don't actually have a 95-grain load for the 9×19, so we're going to use the most common bullet weight for self-defense ammo for that cartridge, which is 124 grains. From a compact pistol with a 3.5-inch barrel, we typically get velocities between 1050 and 1150 feet per second. And that's for standard pressure loads, not +P So that's about a 10% increase in velocity over a 9×18 with a 30% increase in bullet weight.

In ballistics gel tests, the 9×18 and .380 ACP are virtually indistinguishable. A good 9×19 hollow point will penetrate two to six inches deep with more spread

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Not to say that the 9×18 Makarov is a bad cartridge. But we should probably think of it more as a .380+P than an intermediate step between .380 and 9×19. With full metal jacket loads, the 9×18 can penetrate the barrier slightly better than the .380, but there is actually very little difference between the two rounds.

I know some of you are big Makarov fans You regularly wear one for personal protection You keep doing your job But I'm going to say a few things that might hurt your feelings, assuming the ballistics argument doesn't. Then take a break for about two minutes and then it will be safe to come back

Ok, so for the rest of you, you might be thinking that the Makarov weapon looks like a nice piece of history and that it would be fun to own. And you're right. But if you think it might be a good idea to buy a Makarov primarily to serve as a self-defense pistol, I encourage you to reconsider. I don't even have to say it, but I've come across a surprising number of people who, even in 2021, insist that the Makarov is an ideal carry pistol.

Makarov Pistol 9mm

If you've seen my video on the Walther PPK, you know I'm not a fan of that gun at all. I think Makarov is a big improvement in many ways But it also suffers from some of the same problems It is heavy It has a lot of recoil for a small cartridge And the biggest drawback is the sights This is one thing that is really worse than PPK They are very small and certainly not designed with emergency use in mind, which was very common at the time. Some commercial types have fully regulated destinations. But really, they're not even that great compared to a nice set of high-end modern scenes

Tfb Field Strip: Makarov Pistol And Licensed Copies The Firearm Blog

In the mid 20th century, the Makarov was a very good gun By today's standards, it's not a bad gun They are very reliable indeed and I place a high priority on this for a self defense weapon It's just that, for the price, you can do much better

Carrying a Makarov made more sense 20 years ago when you could get a handgun and a case of extra ammo for under $200. Even if you adjust the price for inflation, it's still a great deal. In the early 2000s, this was a better deal because we didn't have the slim, concealable handgun options back then that we do now.

But today, Makarovs start at around $500. Extra ammo is long gone, and new factory 9×18 ammunition is no cheaper than 9×19. In the $500 range, there are at least a dozen new reliable pistols. chambered for 9mm or .380 which are close.

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